

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blue, blue, blue...RAWHIDE...

Forgive me my readers, today I am fuzzy and foggy and a bit dazed. In two days time I am making a family trip. I will be on a mission, a difficult mission. My mind is soft from planning and thinking of the days to come. So today, in this blog I am allowing myself to be in the here and now. ..Just here and just now.

As always, I am ‘sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting, RAWHIDE…!’
Okay, so maybe that’s an exaggeration…maybe I’m not always sitting…at least not just sitting. And sometimes I’m not sitting at all. Sometimes I actually walk or sleep or dance…Yes. Sometimes I dance. We like dancing. And it doesn’t have to be a special occasion- sometimes we can just dance in the living room when the music hits us- My love remembers to actually put the music on, while I am always surprised when the music shows up.
But right now I am just sitting. I am at the hairdressers, ’Lisa of London’- I love it! Here I am nowhere near London and yet, I’ve got myself my own Lisa of London and a true Londonese hairdresser! She’s great – perfect for me (except she’s too damn skinny!)
I come in with my love. I’m getting my hair a bit blue today. Yes, you heard right. Blue. One blue streak on the side, and I want a bit of a blue on the grey thing in the front. Blue. Yes. I wanted a dark, deep BLUE STREAK. Lisa just says, ‘’okay.’’
She asks me a few questions, where, how, etc. and then she does it. And I know once it’s done she'll love it as much as I do, just because I do. These are the people we all need in our lives. Those who love what we love about ourselves, as much as we do. I am very lucky. I have a few of those in my life. Most of my friends, after the initial shock of whatever crazy thing I’ve come up with, they say cool and love me and accept my weird. Some others, my sister, my aunts and uncles and even Lisa of London, they can accept me for me, and smile and love me as me. My Rabbi definitely fits into this category. He’s my wonder and guide. My eldest son – I think he’s a fan of mine. I think he likes having a mom who dreams of being a ‘dike on a pink bike’, who streaks her hair blue just because she feels like it; who sits on the couch and drinks beer with her friends; whose best friends are not only women her age but people of all ages…I am so lucky to have these people, these accepting souls in my life.
Maybe this is my fantasy that the people in my life are so accepting. Maybe I let myself believe they accept this and me and all of the me’s that are me. But, maybe it’s real. And if not, maybe it really doesn’t matter. Maybe what matters is that I believe that I am accepted, that I believe that I am loved. ..So, I see myself accepted I see myself loved and therefore I am happy – loved and accepted…
Did you know that blue in grey makes purple? I have blue and purple streaks in my hair. Maybe you are one of the people in this world who needs to ask, ‘’Why?’’ Maybe you are one of those who can't accept without understanding what is and why I've chosen to do this. Maybe it started when we were invited to a costume party and I couldn't decide what to be. I've always loved the color blue...the deep blue of the night sky, the darkness of the blue sea as the darkness of the nighttime reflects in the dark sea; dark blue sky: dark blue sea. So beautiful, so peaceful; I decided to go dressed as something blue. Something blue, something calm, something soothing, swishing like the waves on the sand; something blue, something calm, something dark, yet sparkling with the life of a million stars – Blue. Maybe.
The party is over and the blue was much quieter than I had intended. Too quiet and the Blue begged to come again. “Let me out with you, let me be with you, let me share with you – the Blue, the quiet, the calm…Let me be blue with you.’’
Maybe that is how it happened. Maybe those are the whys and maybe this is why I’ve chosen all that I’ve chosen. Maybe…
I do have blue and purple streaks in my hair. Did you know that blue in grey makes purple? Blue…and purple…I am loved. I choose to be happy, calm and soothed.


  1. love this and man we are more alike than I ever knew...awesome can't wait for more! Tami Marino

  2. i'd love to see a photo of the hair, sounds spiffy.
